Abstract | Bibliography | Notes


Mapping Urban Intelligence.

3e édition du Symposium international Eidolon. Cartographier l’intelligence urbaine, Université Laval (Québec), 3-4 juillet 2014.

The texts of this Traversal are position papers. They have been written in the prospect of a conference that will take place in July 2014, organised at Laval University, Quebec, by the Eidolon[1] cartographic research network. The title of the conference will be Mapping Urban Intelligence[2]. The principle of these pre-communications is to prompt a debate in the most open and informal way. Readers are invited to react…

  1. Eidolon: http://www.eidolon.ch/eidolon/Eidolon__Open_Network_for_Cartography.html
  2. Mapping Urban Intelligence: http://www.crg.ulaval.ca/?page_id=2071&lang=en


The texts of this Traversal are position papers. They have been written in the prospect of a conference that will take place in July 2014, organised at Laval University, Quebec, by the Eidolon[1] cartographic research network. The title of the conference will be Mapping Urban Intelligence[2]. The principle of these pre-communications is to prompt a ...






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