Christophe Mincke

Christophe Mincke is the director of the criminology department of the National Institute for Forensic Science and Criminology (NICC-INCC, Belgium) and professor at the University Saint-Louis-Brussels (CASPER). He is also working to develop a theory of mobilitarian ideology and he studies reference to mobility as a register to justify the prison. He has also used this register to analyse penal mediation and management of justice (2013. « Mobilité et justice pénale. L’idéologie mobilitaire comme soubassement du managérialisme » Droit et Société, n°84 : p. 359-389). He recently coordinated a work on the relation between mobility and ideology, by Ashgate and with Marcel Endres, Katharina Manderscheid and Christophe Mincke, « The Mobilities Paradigm : Discourses and Ideologies ».