
The decision to create an online journal was taken in the year 2000 by the Editorial Board of EspacesTemps, which had been editing Les Cahiers (on paper) since 1975. In 2000, Jacques Lévy was commissioned by the journal to conceive and launch EspacesTemps.net: he would set up and lead a new Editorial Board, ensuring the coordination of the two committees.

The first Editorial Board of EspacesTemps.net also included Jean-Marie Baldner (2000-2003), René-Eric Dagorn (2000-2003), Florence Haegel (2000-2002) and Olivier Vilaça (2000-2004), the webmaster of the journal, who developed its first layout. René-Eric Dagorn was the first Editor-in-Chief, from 2001 to 2003.

On the 1st of June 2002, the journal published its first texts. The year after, fresh blood entered the Editorial Board with Boris Beaude (2003-2004), Blandine Ripert (2003-2009) and Patrick Poncet (2003-2005), who conceived and executed the present layout. They would soon be followed by Emmanuelle Tricoire (2003-2007), who would become Editor-in-Chief in 2003, occupying the post until January 2007.

In 2005, Saskia Cousin (2005-), Vincent Kaufmann (2005-2006), Igor Moullier (2005-) and Sébastien Tank (2005-2008) joined the Editorial Board, followed by Marc Dumont (2007-), Caroline Gallez (2007-2009), Dominique Joye (2007-2008), Luca Pattaroni (2007-), Véronique Mauron (2008-), Hervé Regnauld (2008-), Lorenza Mondada (2008-2010), Pál Nyiri (2009-), Émilie Da Lage (2009-), Rémy Caveng (2009-) and Eduardo Camacho-Hübner (2005-2006, then 2010-2015).

Since October 2004, the partnership with the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (the Chôros et LaSURlaboratories, the Inter institute and the Enac faculty) has enabled the journal to hire paid collaborators : this was the case for Emmanuelle Tricoire, followed by Mélanie Pitteloud (managing editor, 2007-2009), Antoine Bianchi (managing editor, 2010-2011), Barbara Laurent-Lucchetti (managing editor, 2011-206), Kelly Harrison (managing editor, 2016) and Ceyda  Bakbasa Bosson (managing editor, 2016-2021) as well as the many editorial assistants : Pascal Morisod, Johan Montmartin, Joëlle Racine, Manon Giger, Sébastien Reichenbach, Laura Vigne, Barbara Senn, Antoine Bianchi, Michaël Krieger, Aline Rogg, Albin Jaques and Kelly Harrison. This is presently the case for the members of the Editorial Office listed above.

Since February 2007, the members of the Editorial Board are also, in addition to their editorial responsibilities (see above), the co-directors of EspacesTemps.net.

Moreover, financial support from the Cogito foundation (2008-2010) has contributed to the development of the journal’s partnerships.