Peer review

Foucault va à l’église.

If only civil weddings legally create the union between a husband and his wife, and if Catholic weddings are nothing but optional, how can we account for the ritual effectiveness of the ...


Contacts par homologie ?

The article deals with the long-term evolution of social relationships in tourism contexts. Based on the socio-historical study of a seaside resort in North-East Brazil and the interactions between pioneering tourism entrepreneurs ...


Effets de terrain.

What kind of knowledge do we produce in the social sciences ? The problem is constantly discussed, mostly from a review of the literature (after all stages of academic refining) more than by ...


Prétopologie et espaces habités.

This text presents the contribution of mathematical pretopology to the understanding of the morphology of inhabited spaces, although it can be applied to any type of space. The use of pretopology explains ...
