Anne Doquet

Anne Doquet is an anthropologist, researcher at the IRD, and a member of the Institute of African Worlds. Her work on the implications of anthropological discourse on the Dogon was published in 1999 by Karthala (Les masques dogon. Ethnologie savante et ethnologie autochtone). She is the author of several scientific publications on tourism, and has also co-ordinated various issues of journals on this subject. Her postdoctoral researches focused on the implementation of authenticity in Mali and the identity reconstructions linked to the development of tourism. She is also interested in the representations of the West in the identity constructions of contemporary Mali, especially in gender relations.

Effets de terrain.

What kind of knowledge do we produce in the social sciences ? The problem is constantly discussed, mostly from a review of the literature (after all stages of academic refining) more than by ...


Ethnologues et touristes au papier calque.

Based on a considerable fieldwork experience in Mali, this paper aims to analyze the ethnologist's responsibilities towards various actors taking part in tourism encounters. From similarities between anthropologists and tourists, I intend ...


La force de l’impact.

  Même si une série de publications récentes (notamment plusieurs numéros spéciaux de revues) témoignent d’une progressive légitimité du sujet, la question du tourisme a connu dans les sciences humaines françaises un ...
